Neuro-MusculoSkeletal Club

The Neuro-Musculoskeletal Management (or short: NMS) club is the new headline for IMTA´s special offerings. Under this title we offer continuous education in the format of webinars. It is planned to extend our services and products based on the demand of our current and former students. Stay tuned for more offerings. 

Participants in our webinars get expert knowledge, a certificate of participation, get the chance to ask questions to the expert and receive a link for unlimited reviews of the webinar. 

The webinar section will be updated as soon as we have new topics and date. In order not to miss anything, sign-up to our newsletter below. 

TitleDateStart TimeDurationRegister
Mark Jones ¦ CLINICAL REASONING: Fast and Slow Reasoning in Musculoskeletal Practice (60 min) Part 3 of 3 "While everyone thinks, not everyone thinks about their thinking."
This three-part presentation will provide an overview of key clinical reasoning theory.

Part three covers (watch intro video
Psychosocial focussed reasoning: Understanding the person behind the problem
• Risk/vulnerability versus resilience/protective factors
• Stress and coping theory
• Recognising symptom coping strategies
• How people evaluate threat
• Beliefs as a barrier to recovery
• Basis and consequence of beliefs and feelings
• Stress / distress continuum
• Self-efficacy
• Importance of social factors
• What to include in subjective examination psychosocial assessment: cognitive factors, distress, behaviour and coping strategies, social factors
• Psychosocial questionnaires
• How to judge relevance of potential psychosocial factors
• Physiotherapy psychosocial management
• Shared Decision Making – what does it look like in practice?
− Four Habits approach to facilitating shared decision making
• Strategies to reduce “Noise”

About Mark:
Mark Jones is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the University of South Australia with 35 years’ experience teaching undergraduate and postgraduate physiotherapy. Mark graduated from the University of Florida with a B.S. in Psychology, then completed his Physical Therapy studies at the University of Iowa. Having developed an interest in manual therapy Mark travelled to Australia to study Manipulative Physiotherapy and after completing his Graduate Diploma in 1985 under Geoff Maitland he completed his Master degree by Research in 1989. Mark has a special interest in biopsychosocial health care and the teaching and assessment of clinical reasoning in physiotherapy. He has conducted and supervised research in the areas of clinical reasoning and musculoskeletal physiotherapy with over 90 publications including three editions of the text “Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions” and two editions of the text “Clinical Reasoning for Musculoskeletal Practice”.
4 September 202420:002 hours
Mini-Seminar mit Sandra Baumgärtner ¦ Klinische Muster an der Schulter (PT) ¦ 2 Fortbildungspunke ¦ präsentiert von FiHH & IMTA Mini-Seminar in DEUTSCHER Sprache

Was bekommst Du:
+ Teilnahmezertifikat (nur bei Live Session Teilnahme)
+ Möglichkeit Fragen zu stellen
+ Videolink zum unlimitierten nachsehen des Seminars (auch wenn Du nicht bei der Live Session dabei sein kannst)

Vorstellung und Begrüssung durch Christian Westendorf, Geschäftsführer FiHH.

THEMA: Klinisches Muster an der Schulter: „Posterior Tightness“

Die hintere Steifigkeit in der Schulter wird häufig nicht erkannt und daher auch nicht ausreichend behandelt. Diese häufige Dysfunktion kann die Beweglichkeit und Funktionalität der Schulter längerfristig beeinträchtigen. In diesem Webinar werden die zusammenhängende Anatomie, mögliche Ursachen und diagnostische Ansätze besprochen. An Hand eines Fallbeispiels werden die klinische Präsentation und Behandlungsvorschläge dargestellt.

Über die Vortragende:
Sandra Baumgärtner (PT, OMPT DVMT, MSc.) schloss 2004 ihre Ausbildung zur Physiotherapeutin in Graz / Österreich ab. Von 2004 bis 2010 arbeitete sie in Graz und Umgebung in einem privaten physikalischen Institut und als selbstständige Therapeutin in einer Gemeinschaftspraxis und sammelte Erfahrungen im ambulanten und vor allem orthopädischen Bereich. 2010 zog sie nach Bad Freienwalde / Deutschland und arbeitet dort seither in einer Praxis als Freiberuflerin mit dem Schwerpunkt auf muskuloskelettale Probleme. 2011 absolvierte sie die OMPT-Ausbildung und das MSc.-Studium (Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie) an der Donau-Universität Krems. Sandra hat sich im September 2017 als Lehrerin der International Maitland Teachers Association (IMTA) qualifiziert und unterrichtet aktuell in Deutschland, Polen, Litauen und Lettland.

5 September 202420:001.5 hours


Rene Bakodi

February 24th 2022

20:00 CET

Functional Fitness / CrossFit in der Physiotherapie. Ein Therapieansatz an dem kein Weg vorbei führt?


Elly Hengeveld

March 30th 2022

20:00 CET

Goal Setting & Shared Decision Making


Sebastian Löscher

April 19th 2022

20:00 CET

Is there a need to be specific with hands on techniques?


Maitland News

Stay at the forefront of evidence-based care in physiotherapy! Subscribe to our Maitland® Concept newsletter for exclusive insights into advanced neuromusculoskeletal treatment and management strategies. Elevate your practice, enhance patient outcomes, and stay ahead in the pursuit of excellence.

Meet IMTA and colleagues from around the globe

We will be present at the IFOMPT world congress in Basel, Switzerland from July 4th to July 6th.

Join us for exciting workshops, inspiring presentations and great networking opportunities. 

We will be hosting the physiohub evening (registration required), giving courses and be present at the exhibition (booth #23). 


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