International Cooperations

IMTA is proudly associated with several academic organisations around the world.

The IMTA course system is recognised as part of a Master’s Level post-graduate qualification by all the following educational institutions.


MSc Advanced Physiotherapy & Management

OMPT training

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, MSc (CE)


Interdisciplinary Master's Program Hildesheim

Orthopedic manual physiotherapy

MSc Musculoskeletal Therapy

German Association for Manual Therapy


The musculoskeletal physiotherapy collaboration in Switzerland.

MAS Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy & recognition as PT OMTsvomp®

United Kingdom

MSc Advanced Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Management

The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists


MSc Advanced Physiotherapy & Management

This MSc Advanced Physiotherapy & Management was developed for people who are working as physiotherapists, and wish to develop themselves and their profession.

  • The MSc Advanced Physiotherapy & Management is a fusion of the Maitland concept, ESP sports physiotherapy, management and soft skills and was developed in cooperation between FH-Burgenland, AIM and Physiozentrum für Weiterbildung.
  • it is designed to address the multiple needs of physiotherapists who will combine clinical and technical expertise with managerial responsibilities or assignments.
  • The course enables development in manual therapy, active rehabilitation completed with management and soft skills.
  • Graduates of this course will gain employment in their private practice, team leading positions, health promotion and research.


The program of study aims to be:

  • Rehabilitation programs and programs for health promotion will be conceived and the running process of the individual therapy will be evaluated and adopted.
  • Economically knowledge, entrepreneurship and management tools will be set in the physiotherapeutic context.
  • Social and personal competences will be increased, economically acting and reflecting and lifelong learning will be developed.
  • Evidence based thinking and acting in the therapeutic context will be developed.


The knowledge and skills developed over the course are intended to enable the students to lead and implement innovative change within physiotherapy workplaces.

This course will enable you to focus your continuing professional development in relation to clinical physiotherapy practice and physiotherapy research.

The Austrian Association for Manual Physiotherapy (ÖVMPT)

The ÖVMPT, founded in Vienna, Austria, represents the physiotherapists and the manual therapy specialists in Austria, which are graduated in the Maitland® concept. It feels committed to the ethical guidelines of the WCPT, the umbrella organization of physiotherapists.

Tasks and objectives:

The ÖVMPT gives lectures, courses and presentations as well as organizes conferences and other events. In so called“exercise groups” it is possible to practice Maitland treatment technics and discuss different perspectives of case excamples. A further objective is the establishing of contacts to organisations and associations inside and outside of Austria which share the same interests.
In 2000 the ÖVMPT established in cooperation with the ÖGOMT which represents the Kaltenborn / Evjenth concept in Austria, a joint umbrella organization, the Austrian Association for Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OEVOMT). Therefore Austria could be admitted as the 16th nation to the World Association for Manual Therapy for Physiotherapists (IFOMPT).
Since then, it is possible to complete the postgraduate OMPT training, recognized by the International Federation of Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) in Austria.
Currently the ÖVMPT organizes and carries out the training program for OMPT in cooperation with the DVMT (German Association for Manual Therapy).

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, MSc (CE)

The “Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy” Master’s degree programme is aimed at trained physiotherapists with professional experience who wish to specialize in the field of manual therapy. Further training in an internationally recognized manual therapy concept of at least 260 teaching units is a prerequisite for admission to the course.
The continuing education program “Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy” is carried out in accordance with the standards of the “International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists” (IFOMPT) and in cooperation with Physio Austria. The program combines the strengths of the cooperation partners and offers students the opportunity to obtain a Master’s degree and at the same time an internationally sought-after diploma in orthopaedic manual therapy (OMPT) according to IFOMPT standards as a second degree.

Interdisciplinary Master's Program

Within the framework of a cooperation between IMTA, DVMT e.V. (German Association for Manual Therapy), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK) in Hildesheim, and the Further Education Institute in Hamburg (FiHH), IMTA and DVMT e.V. support the interdisciplinary master’s degree program in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy at HAWK (see also here).

The cooperation enables the students in the profile study Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy to obtain an internationally (by IFOMPT) recognized OMPT degree. For this purpose, DVMT e.V. and IMTA recognize study contents that are close in content to Level 2b and Level 3 of the IMTA continuing education as well as the supervisions of the OMPT-DVMT® continuing education. The contents are part of the study program.

Prerequisites for application to the master’s degree program in Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy Profile Studies are a completed Level 2a in the Maitland Concept (or a certificate in another manual therapy concept) and an approved bachelor’s degree.

Since the program starts in the summer semester of each year, the application deadline is mid-January each year. As a course of study at a state university, tuition fees are only charged in accordance with the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act.

Orthopedic manual physiotherapy

Orthopedic manual physiotherapy – OMPT for short – is a specialization within physiotherapy, which is designed for the examination and treatment of orthopedic problems – i.e. disorders of the muscular, joint and nervous systems.

A central component is a permanent problem reflection by the therapist in order to adapt the treatment to the individual problem. Specific treatment approaches are used by means of manual techniques and therapeutic exercises.

OMPT combines current scientific knowledge with the therapist’s clinical experience. The patient is assessed in a biopsychosocial – i.e. holistic – framework in order to work out an individual solution to the problem (IFOMPT 2004).

OMT Germany is an umbrella organization of physiotherapeutic societies that offer continuing education in OMPT. Five member societies are authorized by OMT Germany to provide IFOMPT -recognized continuing education in OMPT:

DVMT AGMT DFOMT DGOMT Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

Clinical Pattern in Manual Therapy and Motor Control

The objective of the Master of Science degree program Musculoskeletal Therapy (Manual Therapy – OMT) is the training of certified manual therapists according to the standards of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) and the acquisition of grounded knowledge and skills for scientific work.


After level 2a:

  • 2 modules in 1 semester Consolidation and application of evidence-based practice LWS and UE , HWS/BWS and OE

After level 2b:

  • 2 modules in 1 semester Consolidation and application of evidence-based practice Spine and UE , Cervical spine and OE
  • Clinical pattern in manual therapy and deepening of motor control

After OMT:

  • 2 modules in 1 semester Deepening and application of evidence-based practice Spine and UE , Cervical spine and OE
  • Clinical pattern in manual therapy and deepening of motor control
  • Clinical Practicum 1 (4 semesters) and  Clinical Practicum 2 (6 semesters)


German Association for Manual Therapy

The DVMT e.V. (German Association for Manual Therapy according to the Maitland® Concept) represents physiotherapists who work according to the Maitland® Concept in Germany. The association was founded in 1989 and has now about 800 members.

The main tasks of the association are education. Therefore the DVMT e.V. offers, in cooperation with the IMTA, HAWK Hildesheim and the FobiZe, an IFOMPT recognized advanced training in manual/musculoskeletal physiotherapy.

In addition, the DVMT e.V. organizes certificate modules with which physiotherapists in Germany can obtain the certificate in “Manual Therapy”, which entitles them to the billing position “Manual Therapy”.

Furthermore, the DVMT e.V. organizes an annual continuing education course with internationally recognized speakers in musculoskeletal physiotherapy and, more recently, other educational offerings, such as webinars.

More information can be found at and

New horizons

The musculoskeletal physiotherapy collaboration in Switzerland…. from the Maitland-course leading to the OMPT-Master!

In close collaboration with ZHAW (Zurich university for applied science), svomp (Schweizerischer Verband für Orthopädisch Manipulative Physiotherapie ), and IMTA (international Maitland teachers association) all these groups have developed an attractive possibility to continue your education in musculoskeletal Physiotherapy with an MAS (Master of Advanced Studies) or MSc education clinically specialized in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy education after finishing IMTA courses minimum at Level 2a. On top of this you will acquire the OMPT svomp®title after finishing the Master`s degree program. Recently, we have connected the IMTA courses with the postgraduate MASmsk and MSc study at the ZHAW. The credits you have achieved during the IMTA courses can be credited at a MAS level study. On finishing the Master program you will also get the OMPT – title in Switzerland, which is recognized from IFOMPT (International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists).

The CAS 1(Certificate of advanced studies), which is part of the MAS diploma, starts at the ZHAW in Winterthur (Switzerland) date is written on the website of the ZHAW. Therefore, you, as a Maitland student, will have the possibility that days from the level 1 course on will be credited at the ZHAW. After finishing the level 2a you will get 15 days from the CAS credited, which will reduce the study fee approximately 4750.- CHF.

Requirements to use the connection to the ZHAW:

  • passed IMTA level 2A, 2B or 3 bachelor in PT
  • portfolio with passed IMTA exams and additional:
    • two clinical reasoning forms
    • four clinical patterns

After finishing the course level 2A, 2B or 3, you have the possibility now, for a pathway to the High school. Your achievements will be recognized at the CAS for MAS or MSc. The MAS and MSc diploma offers you the possibility to achieve the OMPT-title of svomp®.

The credits for the Exams done at the IMTA courses can be used, up to five years after finishing the courses.

With the IMTA qualifications, mentioned before, two full modules, CAS 1 and CAS 2 will be recognized and credited for the CAS “ clinical expertise in musculoskeletal Physiotherapy” . The CAS 3 is the only module you have to take which is: “specialized medical knowledge”. This will be on seven separate days.

The date of the next MAS and MSc start you will find on the website of ZHAW.

MAS Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy & recognition as PT OMTsvomp®

Recognition of prior knowledge

SUPSI recognises IMTA (International Maitland Teachers Association) training courses as equivalent to parts of the MAS in Neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy. Previous participation in Maitland courses allows students a reduction of participation in parts of the clinical CASs leading to the Master program (in order: CAS Terapia manuale base – TMB, CAS Terapia manuale avanzato – TMA e CAS Fisioterapia muscoloscheletrica – MSK). Up to 20 ECTS credits will be recognised (see details below).
At the end of this MAS course, the title PT OMTsvomp® will be recognised in Switzerland by SVOMP (Swiss Association of Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy) and IFOMPT (International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists).

In detail:

Level 1Start after CAS TMB with CAS TMA
Level 2aStart after CAS TMB with CAS TMA
Level 2bStart with selected modules of the CAS TMAModules attended
Level 3Start with selected modules of the CAS TMAModules attended

For further information or application (dossier with up-to-date CV and certificates of the Maitland courses held), please contact the SUPSI secretariat:

Please note:
credits for examinations taken in IMTA courses can be recognised up to five years after completion of the courses.

MSc Advanced Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Management

Linking your IMTA certificate of clinical competence with the Master (MSc) in Advanced Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Management at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

How to obtain credits for your completion of the IMTA courses.
After completion of the IMTA level 3, IMTA course members can step into the SHU MSc Manual Therapy with 60 credits of ‘advanced standing’.
If future MSc students have done the clinical placement element (for instance because a Clinical Placement at OMPT level according to the IFOMPT standards is offered in their country, they should be able to be recognised for 90 credits.
Students will need to submit a portfolio that demonstrates their Record of Learning with IMTA).
The full MSc is 180 credits. Students need to do a Research module of 15 credits and a further 15 or 45 credits worth of modules of choice. These modules are: Pain management (15 credits), Image interpretation (15 credits),  Clinical placement (30 credits) etc. Modules could be chosen that allow the physios to gain the skills they need to meet the IFOMPT criteria.
When students have 120 credits worth of modules (including what they bring from IMTA), they then do the 60 credit dissertation project. This brings them to 180 credits and the MSc is awarded.

The process of recognition of prior learning with IMTA is called the process of Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning (APEL) IMTA students may APEL:

  • Modules 1-3 of the IMTA course – equivalent to 60 UK credits (30 ETCS)
  • A clinical placement module (30 UK credits = 15 ECTS)
  • Any relevant equivalent Masters level modules they have completed elsewhere
  • Students can APEL a maximum of 120 UK credits (60 ECTS).   

For further information please read the pdf titled: MSc Advanced Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Management, IMTA Students, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Guidance Notes, version 2020.

The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists

The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) In many countries, IMTA courses are accredited by, or integrated into, the programmes of IFOMPT Member Organisations.

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Criteria to pass the course

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Benefits of exercise in patients with cancer

Join us for an exciting and highly relevant webinar with expert Francesco Bettariga von Feb. 11th 2025 in the live session.

(Recording available for registered participants)

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