Teacher training programme
IMTA offers a training system to qualify physiotherapists to teach courses in NMSK management based on the principles of the Maitland® Concept.
This programme leads to the qualification as an IMTA- recognised teacher.
IMTA’s Teachers’ Training System consists of five Stages of education, in which certain defined learning objectives need to be met.
Diverse formal evaluations of performance will take place throughout the teachers’ training. During the assistances at IMTA-recognised courses each teaching sequence led by the teacher-candidate will be evaluated.
A minimum of 24 weeks of assistance at IMTA recognised courses is required to complete this training.
It is estimated that an overall time-period of 5-8 years is needed to complete the training.
Prerequisites for Entry in the Training
- After successful completion of an IMTA’s Level 3 course, physiotherapists with a minimum of 5 years of clinical experience of an average of at least 30 hours / week, can apply to join the programme leading to qualification as a teacher.
- Additionally they have to complete a full programme of OMT-Qualification latest before entering Stage 3 of this programme.
- All teacher-candidates must work at least 600 hours/year with patients with disorders of the movement-system throughout the whole training.