
Get credits for your IMTA course at Sheffield Hallam University

Thomas Horre

Since February this year course members who have finished the Level 3 IMTA program and passed the final exam, can become credits and enrol in the MSc Manual Therapy Program at Sheffield Hallam University. Here is the report of Dick Bruin who is one of the first students, who started his MSc in Sheffield

Hi all,

My name is Dick Bruin, physio-/manual therapist from a small town in the Netherlands. I’ve finished the IMTA course in 2012. I was asked to tell you about my work at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) where I do a MSc in Manual Therapy and have a huge advantage due to the IMTA course.

Because of new legislations, I need to have a MSc grade in Manual Therapy to keep my registration. In the Netherlands, there are several physiotherapy schools who offer a variation of a MSc grade, but, these aren’t the same as MSc titles, so I searched for something else.

In Holland, there is no beneficial effect of having IMTA qualifications on the existing Master programs; it’s even worse: it would take me two more years of study before I could start the MSc section. And, at regular Universities there are all sorts of subjects, which first need to be completed before one can start at the regular program.

So, why SHU?

It’s was in 2013 or so when I heard of the possibility for IMTA students to study at SHU. And, there are a lot of benefits for us, for SHU is something completely different:

Students need to obtain 180 credits to gain the MSc grade. You can earn some of these by handing in a portfolio. Within this portfolio there are several components: a personal analysis (work history, achievements, PT skills etc.). Then the “real” evidence: all of the former work must be handed in, for instance: IMTA documentation, assessments undertaken, case studies, documentation from clinical placements/internships, certificates, proof of knowledge on upper and lower quadrant and so on. Then this information needs to be structured and outlined in a specific manner. This is all done via an online program. The portfolio will give you a maximum of 90 points.

You can start directly at SHU. Because you’ve already finished the upper and lower quadrant and the internships to gain the IMTA certificate, you are able to choose elective modules. The modules I’m taking now are: musculoskeletal radiographic imaging (which is so cool and so difficult!!), Concepts of Learning and Teaching and Pain Management. Each module delivers 15 credits. To start the Project Planning and Dissertation, which is the last part of the study, you need to have 105 credits…

That’s right: if you manage to earn all the credits for your IMTA work, and complete one module of choice at SHU, then and you can start to finish your MSc.

All the modules are delivered via a Blackboard website, which works fine. Specific subjects are discussed by Power Point presentations and screencasts and relevant literature is provided.

Then the catch:
You need to show that your English is sufficient. There are multiple ways to do so, for instance taking an IELTS test. And it requires some self-discipline (a word I hate), to sit down and work through the material. It takes me around 10 to 15 hours a week.

The advantages:

Do your study in your own time. Go through the video shows again and again (there are some really interesting presentations done by Lorimer Moseley and David Butler), pause and restart when necessary. Of course there are deadlines, but it can be done. And gain the credits via your IMTA courses, which you’re about to complete!!

If you need more information, please let me know if I can help.


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