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new blog by Evripidis

Thomas Horre

1st post

Finally, after 9 years of IMTA presence in Greece, the Maitland based MCP’s will start this week. The first group of our participants, having completed levels 1-3, will have their first part of Sheffield approved MCP’s starting on Wednesday with John Langedoen. Thank’s to the support of the Greek group of IMTA and the rest IMTA teachers a dream of many years will come true.

Of course we won’t stop there. On September the IMTA final exam will take place in Athens, also for the first time. The exam “course” is almost full to welcome Pieter and Birgit on their first official IMTA trip in Greece.

Next step? Sheffield University with the MSc in manual therapy.

Good luck to all


And some philosophy:

2nd post:


“Between philosophy and medicine there is no such big difference.”

Said Hippokrates


If you consider the question “what is your main problem?” deeply, then there is no such big difference in manual therapy too.
Said Euripides

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